
Picture it. You’re visiting New York City and looking for cool things to do. Shouldn’t be hard, right? New York is literally known for being the city that never sleeps. So you head to the internet, run a search and are currently bombarded with listicles and guides sharing the must-see attractions, restaurants, shopping, shows, parks, nightlife… but must-see for who?

For being the city that never sleeps, planning an itinerary sure is exhausting.

The truth is, there are countless ways to see a city, and everyone’s idea of 10 can’t-miss attractions is pretty unique to them. So, instead of rolling the dice on a generic travel guide, get tips from someone you trust. Because KAYAK knows travel is personal, we created KAYAK Guides so you can quickly and easily create custom travel itineraries and share with friends.

To show you what we mean, we rounded up six insider perspectives to NYC to give you their unique take on visiting New York City.

Hilaria Baldwin

If you’re traveling with your family, your trip will likely look a lot different than someone traveling without kids in tow. Get advice from someone whose fave weekend activities include exploring attractions that are perfect for the whole family. From scouting out city carousels to the best dairy-free ice cream in the city, local NYC mom Hilaria Baldwin shares her family-friendly favorites on her KAYAK guide.

Get Hilaria Baldwin’s Guide to Exploring NYC with Kids


If you’re looking for an adventure in NYC that’s anything but ordinary, not just any Guide will do. We turned to Betches to cut through the noise and give you the real talk you want when it comes to travel planning. From hotels with the perfect vibe to the restaurants with atmosphere and amazing eats in equal measure, Betches has the KAYAK Guide you need. But, above all else, don’t miss the drag brunch.

Get Betches Guide to Manhattan

Subway Creatures

If you’re visiting NYC, you might take a yellow cab for the experience, and if you don’t know any better, maybe you’ll even drive yourself – but more likely, you’ll be one of the millions of people who ride the NYC subway each day. While many will appreciate the quick commute provided by this convenient form of transportation, others will take the time to enjoy the one-of-a-kind experience provided by the NYC subway. If you enjoy prime people-watching, stations teeming with history and some of the best sunset views in the city, SubwayCreatures has the KAYAK Guide for you.

Get SubwayCreatures Most Interesting Places in the NYC Subway


If you’re heading to the city solo (or with your better half), chances are you’ll have a better chance of finding things to do by heading above ground. And when we want to find an intimate spot to cozy up or a lively bar to meet someone new, we turn to the experts – Tinder. From date nights with your SO to low-key hangs with the local you just matched with, Tinder’s KAYAK Guide is perfect for when spending quality time is your top priority.

Get Tinder’s Best Date Spots in NYC

Master Distiller Jake Sawabini

There are a lot of places to grab a drink in New York, and a lot of them are serving up quality cocktails. So choosing one can feel a lot like finding a mint sprig garnish in a haystack. Which is why we turned to Master Distiller Jake Sawabini to get the lowdown on his favorite cocktail bars in the city. From a curated gin and tonic menu to the best bloody mary he’s ever had, the hardest decision will be which one to visit first.

Get Master Distiller Jake Sawabini’s Guide To NYC’s Best Cocktail Neighborhoods

Don’t see exactly what you’re looking for? Make your own itinerary using KAYAK Guides and share with friends, family, followers… and us! Use #KAYAKGuides and we’ll reshare our favorites.

About the author

KAYAK Since 2004, KAYAK has been revolutionizing the travel industry. Metasearch for travel? No one was doing it. Until we did. Today, we process billions of queries across our platforms each year for travel information, helping millions of travelers around the globe make confident decisions. With every query, KAYAK searches hundreds of travel sites to show travelers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, hire cars and holiday packages.

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