You may have heard about our free application for iPhone. With it, you can search for flights, hotel rooms and cars, and book them directly where you want, even by making a phone call. It’s been pretty popular: we have over 550,000 unique activated users so far.

Just before the Thanksgiving, we launched a paid version of our app. It’s essentially the same as our free application, except that we added the ability to search for first class and business class fares. We may add more special features to this premium version in the future. Or we may not.

So here’s the deal: if you like the free version, give us $1.99 and you can have the premium version. It has a cool blue badge on the icon and everything, so you can impress your friends, clients, that hot girl/guy you just met in the bar, relatives, or whomever. That’s right. WHOMever. That’s how classy KAYAK First Class is.

See, that little blue badge isn’t just a status symbol. It means KAYAK loves you. And all you have to do to get that love is fork over two little George Washingtons*.

*Or a bit more than a quid. Or a Euro and a half. Or… well you get the idea.

KAYAK First Class is available in the iTunes App Store.